Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Ultimate commercial treadmill suitable for you?

twedmill the 1wire twittering treadmill by i am a moose

It is affordable, powerful, quiet and it will help you shed those unwanted pounds.Yes this treadmill is expensive, but that expensive cost is more than made up for by the warranty that simply cannot be beat. One of the most important factors in using a treadmill to increase your fitness level is the variety of your workouts. exercise treadmillIt is perfectly designed for all kind of body weight and can sustain more heavy duty exercises without any problems. We recommend changing your routine every two weeks. The second most important feature is the belt. manual treadmillMost home machines can be folded and stored away with minimal effort. The best home treadmill is not necessarily the treadmill with all the bells and whistles but the one that suits your needs and personal situation the best. Your best bet then is to carefully decide how to plan to use your home treadmill and then what your budget allows, and then choose the machine that will best fit your needs from there.However, there are a large number of treadmills on the market. Because of this, treadmill exercise equipment has remained very popular and has continued to be a top seller in the fitness equipment industry. There are all types of treadmill exercise equipment out there.

If it’s a rainy day and you don’t feel like going out to exercise in the rain, it’s perfectly understandable, but if you happen to have the Zebris Medical FDM-T Treadmill, you wouldn’t have much of an excuse not to exercise anymore. What this treadmill offers is a virtual environment of your choosing to move around in. You can enjoy taking a walk on a forest path or on a beach, regardless of the weather outside. This treadmill can also document your performance and analyze the growth of your fitness regime. Pricing isn’t available just yet, but you can be sure it won’t come cheap.

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It's a problem that has long annoyed virtual reality researchers: VR systems can create a good experience when users are observing or manipulating the virtual world (think Michael Douglas in "Disclosure") but walking is another story. Take a stroll in a virtual space and you might end up with your face against a real-world wall.

The same problem is becoming apparent in teleoperated robots. Imagine you were teleoperating a humanoid robot by wearing a sensor suit that captures all your body movements. You want to make the robot walk across a room at the remote location -- but the room you're in is much smaller. Hmm.

Researches have built a variety of contraptions to deal with the problem. Like a huge hamster ball for people, for example.

Or a giant treadmill. The CyberWalk platform is a large-size 2D omni-directional platform that allows unconstrained locomotion, adjusting its speed and direction to keep the user always close to the center. With a side of 5 meters, it's the largest VR platform in the world.

It consists of an array of synchronous linear belts. The array moves as a whole in one direction while each belt can also move in a perpendicular direction. Diagonal movement is possible by combining the two linear motions.

Built by a consortium of German, Italian, and Swiss labs, the machine currently resides at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, in Tubingen, Germany, where it's been in operation for over two years.

Last year at IROS, Alessandro De Luca and Raffaella Mattone from the Universita di Roma "La Sapienza," in Rome, Italy, and Paolo Robuffo Giordano and Heinrich H. Bulthoff from the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics presented details of the machine's control system.

According to the researchers, previous work on similar platforms paid little attention to control algorithms, relying on simple PID and heuristic controllers.

The Italian and German researchers came up with a kinematic model for the machine and from there they devised a control strategy. Basically the challenge is that the control system needs to adapt to changes in the user's direction and speed -- variables that it can't measure directly, so it needs to estimate them.

By precisely monitoring the position of the user on the platform using a Vicon motion-capture system, the controller computes estimates for the two variables and tries to adjust the speeds of the linear belts to keep the user close to the center -- all without abrupt accelerations.

The researchers also devised a way of using a frame of reference for the controller that varies with the user's direction. This method allowed the CyberWalk platform to provide a more natural walking experience, without making the user's legs cross when changing direction. The video above shows the results.

The CyberWalk platform is one of two locomotion devices developed as part of the European Union-funded Project CyberWalk. The other is a small-scale ball-array platform dubbed CyberCarpet.

The Technical University of Munich, another partner in the CyberWalker consortium, designed and built both platforms. And ETH Zurich, another partner, was responsible for the VR part -- creating a 3D VR model of ancient Pompeii and implementing the motion synchronization on the head-mounted display of the human walker.

You can read the researcher's paper, "Control Design and Experimental Evaluation of the 2D CyberWalk Platform," here.

Photo: CyberWalk Project


Do you wish to have your own treadmill at home but you worry that it may not compliment the style of your home? You will be able to run indoors which is very safe rather you are at a gym or at home. It's not something that many people are taking lightly either because they are moving forward so well on a nice treadmill. If you're not a new comer to the treadmill arena, then you'll love the more advanced features found on this machine. More than just an easy to use machine it comes with full stereo speakers to guide you through whatever kind of sounds you want to workout to. treadmillThis treadmill priced a little high than other brands has some additional features which support for the high price. It will serve you just as well and cost you thousands less.This allows for a larger user weight, and will come with a lifetime warranty against cracks or breakage.As more and more people developed the habit of doing regular exercise, the popularity of commercial treadmills has also increased.

1 comment:

  1. Commercial treadmills are an important feature at health clubs, gyms with heavy traffic, hospitals, schools and hotels. Apartment and condo associations and government institutions. All types of fitness centers too, tend to have treadmills

    commercial treadmill
